About Us
The Hometown Education Foundation (HEF) is a charitable organization, established in 2004 by Tonghai Yang , to financially help the poor students in rural China to continue their basic education. All donations are tax deductible in the United States and go directly to help the needy students 100 percent.
- 100 percent of your donation goes to the needy students. I cover the little overhead here, and each school we serve contributes 200 Yuan RMB to cover overhead in China. All is done by volunteers and no one is paid by the charity.
- At each school we serve, we have at least once volunteer teacher to help us choose students and to make sure that all the donation really goes to the needy students. They visit at their homes and/or talk with their main teachers.
- I visit some of the students every summer at their homes. I have seen first hand how poor they are and how our support have positively affected them. You can see my visits at
and links there.
4. You can read some of their letters at the following link and see how they appreciate the support and how they have been positively influenced by the support.
For my personal credential, please check my website https://www.math.wisc.edu/~thyang/ or the following link (Chinese)
5. If you prefer personal connection, sponsorship is a great way to support a specific student, with whom you can have personal communication. It gives them even more encouragement while giving you some satisfaction on how your good heart has really helped someone in need. The annual suggested donation for sponsorship is $100(800 CNY), $100(800 CNY), and $200(1200 CNY) for an elementary, middle, and high school.
If you have any question, please feel free to contact me (Tonghai Yang) at thyang63@gmail.com or 608-770-3229, or WeChat me at TonghaiHF.
Please share it with your friends and colleagues, and encourage them to support us too. Your donation is tax deductible.
Partner (中美爱心)
宁国市中美爱心教育发展促进会(简称“中美爱心”)和美国家乡教育基金会于2004年分别在中国和美国同时成立,是资助中国大陆(资助学生范围现为安徽省宁国市及其它四个国家贫困县)贫困大中小学的小型独立慈善机构,十余年两个机构相互协作,截止 2017年十月共募集善款近一千万元人民币(其中家乡教育基金会募集近六百万元),资助贫困学生近一万人次,深得海内外爱心人士的信任。我们的助学具备以下特色:
(2) 建立了资助网络,我们资助的中小学生所在学校都给予我们工作以大力支持与配合,学校配有一名“中美爱心”联络员负责资助实施各项工作,包括学生的调查、推荐、助学金发放及结对捐助人与学生的联络互动等。
(6)我们资助标准为:小学生800元100 美金)/每年,初中生800元(100 美金)/每年,高中生1200元(200 美金)/每年,大学生2000元 300 美金)/每年,也可以根据您的意愿高出上述标准资助。
- 捐款方式:
也可微信捐款给杨教授的微信账户:TonghaiHEF 他每月底转给中美爱心。
(8) 联系人 :
杨同海教授: thyang63@gmail.com 微信TonghaiHEF
施冠明教授: guanming.shi@gmail.com
郭定霞(中美爱心分管财务) 微信 ngguodx
网址: http://loveedu.ngedu.cn/
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