The Hometown Education Foundation (HEF) is an IRS approved public charity. It was founded by Prof. Tonghai Yang in 2004 to help the poor kids in China to continue their VERY BASIC Elementary through High School Education, and in some cases their college education too.
These kids are in danger of dropping out of school just because their family could not afford the school expenses. Some of them lost parent(s) due to accidents or diseases, others have a family member with severe chronic disease with a major medical bill, and others have a disabled parent.
A little support goes a long way to help these kids establish a basic educational background for their future. A mere $100 helps a 1st-9th grader to stay in school for a whole year for a whole year. $200 can help a poor high school student stay in school for a year.
Your generous support will make a huge difference to the needy students and their families. Please be assured that your donation goes directly to the needy students 100 percent. Prof. Yang pays the overhead in US, and his colleagues in China pay the overhead in China. Your donation is tax deductible.
It is easy to support these poor students through us. Just click `DONATE' at left column and make your donation using Paypal or Credit Card.
请访问我们的微信公众号 Please visit our public WeChat account.
请访问我们的Facebook页面 Please also visit our Facebook page
家乡教育基金会(Hometown Education Foundation,简称HEF)于2004年由杨同海教授在美国成立,是资助中国贫困学生教育的独立慈善机构。 截止 2021年十二月HEF共募集善款近一千四百万元人民币,资助贫困学生一万五千多人次,深得海内外爱心人士的信任。我们机构获得美国IRS认证,如果您的公司有matching donation program,可以通过公司内部向我们捐款,公司将最大双倍化您捐的款项,捐款指导详情请点击左边链接Donate Via Company。您也可直接通过PayPal或 Debit/Credit card向我们捐款,请直接点击左边链接PayPal Donate,希望您可以选择recurring payment,您每个月几十块钱的资助将会为家乡的贫困儿童带来翻天覆地的改变。您也可以直接向我们银行账户或使用Zelle捐款,详情请见文章底部。我们所获捐款100%用于贫困学生,所有义工不拿一分钱。
“2017年中国大规模调研24931名农村中学生的数据显示,农村地区整个中学阶段的累计辍学率高达63%。大城市中90%以上的学生都上了高中,而在贫困地区,上高中的学生不到一半。” 为什么辍学?“想过继续读,家里实在负担不起了,想想觉得还不如早点出来打工补贴家里”。当创建基金会的杨同海教授2015年找到朱同学时,她羞涩的挠着头如是说。朱同学当时17岁,父母一直残疾多病,她从小学就开始捡废品补贴家用。高中毕业后,虽然考上了大学,但她还是决定放弃。她现在在杭州做了四个月的服务员,每月拿1500元,每月除了自己开销还能往家寄不少钱,她已经很满意。可她不知道的是,杭州当时人均可支配月收入是她收入的四倍,去个好点的饭店就得快100元,是她两天工资。基金会提议向她资助了5000元一年,经过一番考虑她决定回去读大学。如今她已经嫁人,在一个工厂实验室工作,生活美满,家庭幸福。“没有基金会的援助,当时的我可能就一辈子打零工过着漂泊的生活,我很感激当时有这个读书的机会,真的不敢想象我有了今天。”
如果您有任何疑问,或想要一对一资助学生,请联系杨同海教授 or (608)770-3229.
The Hometown Education Foundation (HEF) is an IRS approved public charity. It was founded by Prof. Tonghai Yang in 2004 to help the poor kids in China to continue their VERY BASIC Elementary through High School Education, and in some cases their college education too.
These kids are in danger of dropping out of school just because their family could not afford the school expenses. Some of them lost parent(s) due to accidents or diseases, others have a family member with severe chronic disease with a major medical bill, and others have a disabled parent.
A little support goes a long way to help these kids establish a basic educational background for their future. A mere $100 helps a 1st-9th grader to stay in school for a whole year for a whole year. $200 can help a poor high school student stay in school for a year.
Your generous support will make a huge difference to the needy students and their families. Please be assured that your donation goes directly to the needy students 100 percent. Prof. Yang pays the overhead in US, and his colleagues in China pay the overhead in China. Your donation is tax deductible.
It is easy to support these poor students through us. Just click `DONATE' at left column and make your donation using Paypal or Credit Card.
请使用以下信息直接向我们银行账户捐款。 You can send your donation ( payable to the Hometown Education Foundation) to
Hometown Education Foundation
c/o Tonghai Yang
9 W. Geneva Cir.
Madison, WI 53717
如果您有Zelle账户,请发送至HEF (Chase Bank, Hometown Education Foundation,。If you have an Zelle account, please send your donation to HEF (Chase Bank, Hometown Education Foundation, It is free to you and HEF.
Sponsoring one or more needy students are very welcome and greatly appreciated too if you prefer direct contact with students. Please contact Prof. Tonghai Yang for detail at or (608)770-3229.
Please spread the words to your friends and encourage them to support us too. Word of mouth is extremely important to us.
- Global Forest Biodiversity Initiative One of our supporters
- Smile Amazon---0.5% preceed of your shopping at Amazon goes to HEF. Please register, simple and free.